Friday 27 March 2015

Legendary Items and Mystic Forge

Legendary weapons are hardest to make in this game, But they look amazing and you will have to invest time to make them. They have special effects and nice visual. This website Shows all items you need to Forge them.

Here visual view at them:

Hardest part is to get precursor due its drop rate is verry low or you can try to forge them in mystic Forge: 

Mystic forge will be required when you will want to craft Legendary due you will have to forge all parts in to a single weapon.

In Mystic Forge you Have a lot of different possibility to forge things.
Here is list of items you can craft there :

Structured PvP

Type of  game style for players who enjoy Player vs Player. It is smaller then WvW fights are 
5 versus 5 in small map.

To enter sPvp all you need is press PVP button at top left of screen. u will enter then in MIST map and u can enter pvp from there.
There are Custom, Ranked and unranked matches.

Currently there are 2 types of pvp Conquer and Deathmatch.
Conquer maps:
  • Battle of Kyhlo
  • Forest of Niflhel
  • Legacy of the Foefire
  • Skyhammer
  • Spirit Watch
  • Temple of the Silent Storm
  • Courtyard

You can pick reward Tracks which will give you rewards.
There are reward tracks for each dungeon ( to unlock them you need to do Story mode of that dungeon) Some times there are also special reward tracks for limited time...

In sPvp you don't need to have good gear to play, it is because gear stats doesn't count. you will have to pick only Amulet and weapons + sigils and runes for armours.
Traits will be unlocked also so u can go there with lvl 1 and u will be strong as lvl 80 went there.

Here is PVP video guide:


World Vs World Vs World

Also knows as WvW it is for the moment 4 Large maps
In which 3 servers fight each other and trying to conquer Structures:

 Resource camps
 Stonemist Castles

WvW matches take place across four maps each containing four different types of structures. Every 15 minutes, the structures controlled by each world are totalled and added to that world's cumulative score. The score is added at the start of the next 15 minute interval, so objectives flipped before the timer starts again (during the --:-- phase) will also count for points. The aim of WvW is to achieve a higher war score than the opposing worlds by the end of a week of battle. The following table shows the types of structures, their distribution on the maps, and how many points each of them is worth.

Here is Overview of what you can expect in Wvw:

Friday 20 March 2015

Personal Story 


Personal story of guild wars 2 is good way to level your hero. it is like mini dungeons to do specific tasks, some have couple of them. 
Each race have its own Story but somewhere around level 50 they are all same.
Because it leads to same problem they have. I don't want to spoil which it is (will leave you to find out it by your self).

Living story

There is also Living story. It is fun and awesome future in this game. There was 2 seasons now which left us with Hype to wait other season and hope that it will be as awesome as it was before.

With each living story part they put Special achievements to unlock which would give us awesome rewards like backpacks, Skins, minis and much more. 

To unlock them you need just to log in to game to unlock that story part.

When season 2 launched they did announce that latter on they will make buy each part of story which you missed. with game currency or gems.

Special Events

It also offers us special events at Holidays, Halloween and other events like:

Wintersday similar to living story it gave us awesome rewards to unlock.

Halloween same as other events it offers various rewards to unlock.

Queen's Jubilee same with rewards to unlock.

All this Events are set for limited time to participate.


Guild wars 2 Races

Guild wars 2 Currently have 5 races to play whic hare:


They may be short in stature, but these magical inventors are intellectual giants. Incredibly intelligent beings, the asura use their knowledge and skill with magic and crafting to assert their natural dominance. In the world of the asura, it is not the strong who survive, but the clever. Other races believe they should rule by virtue of their power and strength, but they delude themselves. All will serve the asura—in due time…


Sylvari are not born. They awaken beneath the Pale Tree with knowledge gleaned in their pre-life Dream. These noble beings travel, seeking adventure and discovery. They struggle to balance curiosity with duty, eagerness with chivalry, and warfare with honor. Magic and mystery entwine to shape the future of this race that has so recently appeared.


Humans have lost their homeland, their security, and their former glory. Even their gods have withdrawn. And yet, the human spirit remains unshaken. These brave defenders of Kryta continue to fight with every ounce of their strength.


This race of towering hunters experienced a great defeat when the Ice Dragon drove them from their glacial homeland. Nevertheless, they won’t let one lost battle—no matter how punishing—dampen their enthusiasm for life and the hunt. They know that only the ultimate victor achieves legendary rewards.


The charr race was forged in the merciless crucible of war. It is all they know. War defines them, and their quest for dominion drives them ever onward. The weakling and the fool have no place among the charr. Victory is all that matters, and it must be achieved by any means and at any cost.


Fractals of the Mists

Fractals of the Mists is a special type of dungeon that consists of an array of mini-dungeons called fractals, where each fractal has its own story and environment. Characters are adjusted to level 80 within the dungeon. The dungeon is one of the primary sources of ascended equipment and provides materials for crafting infused equipment. In fact, the first ascended items were added with the introduction of Fractals of the Mists.
The dungeon has some unique mechanics and design. The party must choose the difficulty scale prior to entering the dungeon. This difficulty scale starts at 1 and can be increased. The personal reward level tracks the current position of the character on the difficulty scale. To increase the personal reward level, and therefore the highest fractal scale accessible by the character, the character must complete a set of fractals on a fractal scale equal or greater to their personal reward level. This provides progression in the dungeon, allowing players to continuously complete higher and higher levels on the difficulty scale and greater rewards as a result.
When entering the dungeon, the players arrive in Mistlock Observatory, a "hub" area within the Mists. Entering Mistlock, you'll meet Dessa, a scientist who has made explorable chunks of reality from the Mists. There are hostile elements that were acquired during Mistlock which you are asked to dispose of. You may begin by entering the portal within the Mistlock to enter a fractal. You will hear Dessa's voice while stabilizing the fractal. Once it is stabilized, she and her krewe will transport you to the next one. Eventually, you'll be looped back to the Mistlock.

The entrance is an Asura Gate (dungeon) directly northwest of the Postern Ward waypoint in Lion's Arch. Once any member of your party has entered, you will be prompted to join them from anywhere within Lion's Arch.

Difficulty scale

Fractals of the Mists uses a difficulty scale in contrast to the story and explorable modes of dungeons.
  • Your personal reward level increases by one each time you complete an entire run at a difficulty scale equal or greater than your personal level.
  • Whoever enters the hub may choose the difficulty level, which can be up to the highest level of any member of the current party.
  • Increased personal levels offer increased rewards, even if the run is at a lower difficulty level. Higher difficulty levels offer greater challenges and higher chances of better rewards, from foes, from chests, and from bonus chests.
Standard changes at higher difficulty levels
  • Standard foes spawn in greater numbers and at higher ranks, e.g. more veterans.
  • Some foes will gain new abilities, e.g. in the Uncategorized Fractal, the harpies start to knock players back.

Major changes at different tiers

    Fractals include more substantial changes at level 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50, so players also refer to difficulty "tiers".
    • New items begin dropping at higher tiers; other items begin dropping more frequently.
    • New challenges are added at new tiers:
      • Agony is added at the second tier (level 10-19) and it continues to increase with each tier.
      • Mistlock Instability is added with the fourth tier (starting at level 31).
    • Difficulty tiers are not directly tied to the daily chest reward tiers.


Each difficulty scale requires the completion of four consecutive fractals, the fourth of which is called a boss fractal. The fractals are randomly selected from a small set: the first fractal tends to be easier than the second, which is usually considered easier than the third.
  1. Aquatic Ruins, Swampland, Urban Battlegrounds, Uncategorized.
  2. Uncategorized, Snowblind, Urban Battlegrounds, Molten Furnace, Cliffside.
  3. Aetherblade, Volcanic, Thaumanova Reactor, Underground Facility, Cliffside.
  4. (Boss fractal): Solid Ocean Fractal, Molten Boss Fractal or Captain Mai Trin Boss Fractal.
Each fractal has its own story and environment. After stablizing the current fractal, each player must click a confirmation button before Dessa will transport the party to the next. After completing all four fractals, the party will be returned to the Mistlock Observatory and the difficulty scale will increase by one.
Differences with dungeons
  • There are no waypoints. If any party member dies, they must wait to be revived by their party or for the rest of the party to get out-of-combat (ooc), at which point any defeated member is given the option to teleport back to the most recently completed checkpoint (or to leave the fractal entirely).
  • There are no repair stations. You can use an Instant Repair Canisters, spare armor sets, or return to the character selection screen and restart (returning you to Lion's Arch, where you can repair or use other services before returning). Alternatively, some players remove their armor before entering certain areas in which they are likely to break their armor.


Agony plays a role in fractals at level 10 or higher; the amount of damage inflicted increases substantially at levels 20, 30, 40, and 50. Outside the boss fractals, agony is inflicted as part of an enemy attack, allowing one to completely avoid agony by preventing or otherwise evading such attacks. Bosses in the three boss fractals inflict unavoidable agony.
Agony's effects can only be reduced by equipping ascended items that include Agony Resistance.
Here is video of fractals in action 



Dungeons are optional party-based PvE instances, each with their own story. There are currently nine dungeons. All dungeons except Fractals of the Mists and the special event dungeons have two modes: a story mode, which focuses on the story of the Destiny's Edge group, and an explorable mode, a more difficult mode which requires more co-ordination to play through and is unlocked after completing story mode. Each mode allows for groups of up to five players; content does not scale depending on the number of players in the party so the difficulty remains constant. The actions of the team and random dynamic events influence what happens during a dungeon play-through.
To help navigate the dungeon, waypoints are in place as they are around the world and are available for use should the party be defeated or all party members out of combat. A waypoint can be found at the start of each dungeon as well as by the dungeon entrance in the persistent world, with new waypoints opening upon the completion of major objectives. Additionally, dungeons retain a basic level of persistence during the instance: creatures do not respawn, and characters may join or rejoin a party in progress within a dungeon.
Players will be notified via mail by their "Herald" as they reach the suggested level for each dungeon, as well as another notification about the dungeon's explorable mode once they complete the dungeon's story mode.

Story mode

Story mode is played through on the first visit to the dungeon. The dungeon stories, told through cut scenes and exposition, are focused on revealing and developing the Destiny's Edge situation. One or two members of Destiny's Edge join the party to guide them through a largely linear dungeon story. This mode is relatively straightforward for a pick-up-group to complete. Personal storylines and dungeon story modes are parallel: the dungeon story mode does not affect a player's advancement in a personal story or the outcome of the story, but still occurs at the same time storywise. The storylines converge just for the last mission which takes place in The Ruined City of Arah. Completing the story mode of a dungeon for the first time will result in a letter in your mailbox, along with a head piece reward and 50s.

Explorable mode

Explorable mode deals with the aftermath of the events in story mode. The explorable dungeon story is told with fewer cutscenes and little exposition, and the player party is no longer joined by member's of Destiny's Edge. The player is presented with at least three different paths to play through for each dungeon. The party votes on the option they will take through the dungeon and the majority determines on which path they take. The explorable mode dungeon is designed to be repeated, with player actions and decisions determining the occurrence of hidden or random events along with the choice of a path. This mode requires significantly more coordination between team members and so is far more difficult than story mode. A player who has not completed story mode of a particular dungeon may only enter the explorable mode of that dungeon if another party member who has completed the story mode enters the dungeon and selects explorable mode.
Completing a dungeon in explorer mode awards dungeon currencies. These currencies can be used at a dungeon merchant, located in Lion's Arch, to buy weapons, armor, runes, and other items. Each dungeon has its own unique weapon and armor set modeled according to the theme of the dungeon. These items are no more powerful than items which can be gained doing other activities in-game, the exotic sets are equal to the level 80 exotic crafted sets.
Explorable mode gives a standard reward of dungeon currency, gold, and experience at the completion of a dungeon path as well as a bonus chest for the first completion of any given path each day per account. The standard reward gives 20 pieces of the respective currency, silver, experience and karma. Subsequent runs give 15 and 10 dungeon currencies respectively. Completing one path does not affect the reward from other paths. The bonus chest contains 40 dungeon currencies and a specific amount of gold, ranging from 1 g 5 s to 3 g 5 s, depending on path difficulty and length. Completing the same path again with the same or a different character will only give the standard reward.

Bonus Chests

DungeonPathGold rewardToken reward
Ascalonian CatacombsPath 1 - HodginsGold coin 55 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - DethaGold coin 55 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - TzarkGold coin 55 Silver coin40 
Caudecus's ManorPath 1 - AsuraGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - SeraphGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - ButlerGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Twilight ArborPath 1 - Leurent (Up)Gold coin 5 Silver coin40 

Gold coin40 
Path 3 - Vevina (Forward)Gold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 4 - AetherpathGold coin40 
Sorrow's EmbracePath 1 - FerggGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - RasolovGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - KoptevGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Citadel of FlamePath 1 - FerrahGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - MaggGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - RhiannonGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Honor of the WavesPath 1 - ButcherGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - PlundererGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - ZealotGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Crucible of EternityPath 1 - SubmarineGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - TeleporterGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - Front doorGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
The Ruined City of ArahPath 1 - JotunGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 2 - MursaatGold coin 5 Silver coin40 
Path 3 - ForgottenGold coin 55 Silver coin40 
Path 4 - SeerGold coin 5 Silver coin40 

Dungeons are good way to Level your character and get decent items on your way to level 80.

Some tutorials of some dungeons:
Ascalonian Catacombs path 1.

Caudecus's Manor path 1

Twilight Arbor Path 1

Sarrow's embrace path 1

Citadel of flames Path 1

Honor of the Waves path 1

Crucible of Eternity path 1

The Ruined City of Arah