Friday 20 March 2015

Personal Story 


Personal story of guild wars 2 is good way to level your hero. it is like mini dungeons to do specific tasks, some have couple of them. 
Each race have its own Story but somewhere around level 50 they are all same.
Because it leads to same problem they have. I don't want to spoil which it is (will leave you to find out it by your self).

Living story

There is also Living story. It is fun and awesome future in this game. There was 2 seasons now which left us with Hype to wait other season and hope that it will be as awesome as it was before.

With each living story part they put Special achievements to unlock which would give us awesome rewards like backpacks, Skins, minis and much more. 

To unlock them you need just to log in to game to unlock that story part.

When season 2 launched they did announce that latter on they will make buy each part of story which you missed. with game currency or gems.

Special Events

It also offers us special events at Holidays, Halloween and other events like:

Wintersday similar to living story it gave us awesome rewards to unlock.

Halloween same as other events it offers various rewards to unlock.

Queen's Jubilee same with rewards to unlock.

All this Events are set for limited time to participate.

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